本文最后更新于:1 个月前
经验 使用 maven 打个 war 包,报了一连串的错误:
IDEA maven 未配置好,配置一下就行
Cannot access defaults field of Properties问题,看下面
Cannot access defaults field of Properties问题的解决-CSDN博客
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.3 .1 </version> </plugin> </plugins> </build>
maven 打包、本地起 tomcat 服务器
像这样的报错,十有八九是项目使用的 Java 版本过低,提高到 JDK8 即可:
最不想看到的就是 tomcat 服务起来之后,出现这样的情况:
总结 有必要图文总结下这方面的经验了。
maven 打包、本地起 tomcat 服务器
程序包javax.annotation不存在?_百度知道 (baidu.com)
错误: 程序包javax.annotation不存在_mob64ca12e732bb的技术博客_51CTO博客
报错 java: 程序包javax.servlet.http不存在-CSDN博客
程序包 javax.servlet 不存在 解决办法_helloservlet.java:4: 错误: 程序包javax.servlet.http不存在 -CSDN博客
java: 程序包javax.servlet不存在、 java: 程序包javax.servlet.http不存在 java: 程序包javax.servlet.annotation不存在-CSDN博客
朔州市检察院可视化 后端 后端安装子模块出现问题:
关于pom.xml一直提示Could not transfer artifact(无法搬运)+无法解析maven依赖的问题,我在学习springboot的过程中遇到的一些问题-CSDN博客
前端 若依前端出现报错,解决方法:
若依报错解决_> ruoyi@3.8.6 dev > vue-cli-service serve info sta-CSDN博客
1 $env :NODE_OPTIONS="--openssl-legacy-provider"
Java spring 注解 @PostConstruct 实战讲解-CSDN博客
运行 很好,问题已解决:
是Java平台的一个类,用于在不同类型的Java数据类型和字符串之间进行转换,它属于Java的JAXB(Java Architecture for XML Binding)API的一部分。
这个异常通常发生在Java 9及以上版本的环境中,因为从Java 9开始,JAXB不再作为Java SE的一部分,而是被标记为模块化的JDK中的可选部分。如果你的应用是基于Java 9或更高版本,并且你没有显式地将JAXB添加到你的项目依赖中,就可能会遇到这个问题。
添加JAXB依赖 : 在你的项目构建文件(如Maven的pom.xml
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <dependency > <groupId > javax.xml.bind</groupId > <artifactId > jaxb-api</artifactId > <version > 2.3.1</version > </dependency > <dependency > <groupId > org.glassfish.jaxb</groupId > <artifactId > jaxb-runtime</artifactId > <version > 2.3.1</version > </dependency >
使用Java 8 : 如果你的项目没有特定的理由必须使用Java 9或更高版本,你可以考虑切换回Java 8,因为JAXB在Java 8中是内置的。
添加JVM参数 : 如果你使用的是Java 9或更高版本,并且不想修改项目依赖,你可以尝试通过添加JVM参数来启用JAXB模块。例如,你可以添加如下JVM参数:
1 2 3 shell复制代码 --add-modules java.se.ee
检查代码库 : 如果DatatypeConverter
是由某个库间接使用的,那么你可能需要更新这个库到支持Java 9及以上版本的版本,或者寻找一个替代库。
请根据你的具体情况选择最合适的解决方案。如果你正在使用Spring Boot,确保你的Spring Boot版本与你的Java版本兼容,因为Spring Boot通常会处理这类依赖问题。如果问题依然存在,可能需要进一步检查你的项目配置和依赖关系。
根据时间(time)获取 newTime;根据部门id(belongDeptId)获取父单位id(parentId);根据(newTime + parentId)更新指标等级(indexLevel);根据指标等级(indexLevel)拿到字典类型(dictType)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 <select id="selectRankingDetails" resultType="com.zw.business.domain.vo.ResultVo" > select d.index_value_id id, d.index_id indexId, belong_dept_id belongDeptId, sort_num sortNum, index_name indexName, index_until indexUntil, index_type indexType, index_value indexValue, index_parent_value indexParentValue,d.group_sort as groupSort, e.notification as notification ,e.index_order as indexOrder, e.index_logo as indexLogo from bus_index_value d left join bus_index_library e on d.index_id=e.index_id left join sys_dept f on belong_dept_id = dept_id where belong_dept_id = #{belongDeptId} <if test="indexIds != null and indexIds != ''" > and d.index_id in (${indexIds}) </if > <if test="sortNum != null and sortNum != ''" > and d.sort_num = #{sortNum} </if > <if test="newTime != null and newTime != ''" > and d.index_time like concat (#{newTime},'%' ) </if > <if test="valueLevel != null and valueLevel != ''" > and d.value_level = #{valueLevel} </if > <if test="indexLevel != null and indexLevel != ''" > and e.index_level = #{indexLevel} </if > <if test="isCore != null and isCore != ''" > and e.is_core = #{isCore} </if > <if test="isSort != null and isSort != ''" > and e.is_sort = #{isSort} </if > </select>
根据字典类型(dictType)查询获取字典标签(dictLabel),给所有记录设置字典标签 / 业务类型。
1 2 3 @Select("select dict_value as dictValue, dict_label dictLabel, remark as remark from sys_dict_data where dict_type = #{dictType} ORDER BY dict_value") public List<SysDictData> getIndexTypeList (String dictType) ;
根据字典数据(dictValue)升序排序获取的字典标签(dictLabel)。每个指标名称都有所属指标类型(即字典标签 dictLabel),用指标类型(index_type)关联(dictValue)。
1 2 Map<String, String> indexTypeMap = indexUtils.getIndexTypeMap(dictType); list.forEach(data -> data.setDictLabel(indexTypeMap.get(data.getIndexType())));
一次三表联查 + 单表查询,我们查询到了完整的数据:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 { "id" : "27777" , "indexParentValue" : 1.07 , "sortNum" : 1 , "belongDeptId" : 140600 , "indexTime" : "2023-09-02T00:00:00.000+0800" , "indexId" : "277" , "indexName" : "刑事“案-件比”" , "indexUntil" : "≤1.33" , "indexShort" : "刑事“案-件比”" , "indexType" : "0" , "indexTypeSecond" : "" , "indexTypeThird" : "" , "dictLabel" : "刑事检察" , "deptId" : 140600 , "deptName" : "朔州市院" , "sortNumStr" : "≤1.33" , "notification" : 1.33 , "indexOrder" : "1" , "isCore" : "0" , "isSort" : "0" , "indexLogo" : "0" , "groupSort" : "---" , "showId" : "1" }
serviceImpl 层:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 @Override public ResponseVo selectFirstShanxiDetails(BigInteger parentId , String time , String indexLevel ) { List<BigInteger> depIdList = new ArrayList<>() ; depIdList = busIndexLibraryMapper.selectFirstShanxi(parentId ) ; List<Integer> singleResultList = null; List<ResultVo> multiResultList = null; for (BigInteger belongDeptId : depIdList) { singleResultList = this.getSingleFirstShanxi(belongDeptId , time , indexLevel ) ; multiResultList = this.getMultiFirstShanxi(belongDeptId , time , indexLevel ) ; } return null; } public List<ResultVo> getSingleFirstShanxiDetails(BigInteger belongDeptId , String time , String indexLevel ) { String newTime = checkTime(time ) ; String parentId = indexUtils.getParentId(belongDeptId ) ; indexLevel = indexUtils.resetIndexLevel(parentId , newTime ) ; String dictType = IndexUtils . getDictType(indexLevel ) ; List<ResultVo> list ; list = busIndexLibraryMapper.getFirstXianDetails(null , belongDeptId , newTime , indexLevel , DictDataConstant.VALUE_LEVEL_ONE, DictDataConstant.IS_CORE_FALSE, DictDataConstant.IS_SORT_FALSE) ; List<ResultVo> list1 = busIndexLibraryMapper.getFirstXianDetails(null , belongDeptId , newTime , indexLevel , DictDataConstant.VALUE_LEVEL_THREE, DictDataConstant.IS_CORE_FALSE, DictDataConstant.IS_SORT_FALSE) ; if (list1.size() > 0 ) { String indexIds = IndexUtils . getIndexIds(list1 ) ; List<ResultVo> list2 = busIndexLibraryMapper.selectRankingDetails(indexIds , belongDeptId , "" , newTime , indexLevel , DictDataConstant.VALUE_LEVEL_TWO, DictDataConstant.IS_CORE_FALSE, DictDataConstant.IS_SORT_FALSE) ; if (list2.size() > 0 ) { list .addAll(list2 ) ; } } this.setShowIdNormal(list ) ; this.setDictLabelByLevel(list , dictType ) ; if (!indexUtils.checkIndexNumber(newTime ) ) { this.resetIndexValue(list ) ; } return list ; } public List<ResultVo> getMultiFirstShanxiDetails(BigInteger belongDeptId , String time , String indexLevel ) { String newTime = checkTime(time ) ; String parentId = indexUtils.getParentId(belongDeptId ) ; indexLevel = indexUtils.resetIndexLevel(parentId , newTime ) ; String dictType = IndexUtils . getDictType(indexLevel ) ; List<ResultVo> list ; list = busIndexLibraryMapper.getFirstXianDetails(null , belongDeptId , newTime , indexLevel , DictDataConstant.VALUE_LEVEL_ONE, DictDataConstant.IS_CORE_FALSE, DictDataConstant.IS_SORT_FALSE) ; List<ResultVo> list1 = busIndexLibraryMapper.getFirstXianDetails(null , belongDeptId , newTime , indexLevel , DictDataConstant.VALUE_LEVEL_THREE, DictDataConstant.IS_CORE_FALSE, DictDataConstant.IS_SORT_FALSE) ; if (list1.size() > 0 ) { String indexIds = IndexUtils . getIndexIds(list1 ) ; List<ResultVo> list2 = busIndexLibraryMapper.selectRankingDetails(indexIds , belongDeptId , "" , newTime , indexLevel , DictDataConstant.VALUE_LEVEL_TWO, DictDataConstant.IS_CORE_FALSE, DictDataConstant.IS_SORT_FALSE) ; if (list2.size() > 0 ) { list .addAll(list2 ) ; } } this.setShowIdNormal(list ) ; this.setDictLabelByLevel(list , dictType ) ; if (!indexUtils.checkIndexNumber(newTime ) ) { this.resetIndexValue(list ) ; } return list ; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 @Overridepublic ResponseVo selectFirstShanxi(BigInteger parentId, String time, String indexLevel) { String new Time = checkTime(time); String parentIdStr = String .valueOf(parentId); indexLevel = indexUtils.resetIndexLevel(parentIdStr, new Time ); List<BigInteger> depIdList; depIdList = busIndexLibraryMapper.selectFirstShanxi(parentId); List<Integer> singleList; List<List<Integer>> singleResultList = new ArrayList <>(); for (BigInteger belongDeptId : depIdList ) { singleList = this .getSingleFirstShanxi(belongDeptId, new Time , indexLevel); singleResultList.add(singleList); } List<ResultVo> multiResultList = this .getMultiFirstShanxi(parentId, new Time , indexLevel); return null ; }public List<Integer> getSingleFirstShanxi(BigInteger belongDeptId, String time, String indexLevel) { List<String > sortNumList = new ArrayList <>(); List<ResultVo> indexNumList; List<Integer> resultVoList = new ArrayList <>(); for (int i = 1 ; i <= 3 ; i++) { sortNumList.add(String .valueOf(i)); } for (String sortNum : sortNumList ) { indexNumList = busIndexLibraryMapper.selectRankBySortNum(belongDeptId, time, indexLevel, sortNum, DictDataConstant.VALUE_LEVEL_FALSE, DictDataConstant.IS_CORE_FALSE, DictDataConstant.IS_SORT_FALSE); resultVoList.add(indexNumList.size()); } return resultVoList; }public List<ResultVo> getMultiFirstShanxi(BigInteger belongDeptId, String time, String indexLevel) { String new Time = checkTime(time); List<ResultVo> resultList; List<Integer> sortRankList = new ArrayList <>(); sortRankList.add(0 , 1 ); sortRankList.add(1 , 2 ); sortRankList.add(2 , 3 ); Map<String , Map> allDeptSortMap = this .getAllDeptSortMap(new Time , belongDeptId.toString()); Map<BigInteger, Map<Integer, List<ResultVo>>> singleDeptSortMap = allDeptSortMap.get ("single" ); Map<BigInteger, Map<String , List<ResultVo>>> groupDeptSortMap = allDeptSortMap.get ("disGroup" ); List<IndexFraction> sortList = this .getSortNumSum(new Time , belongDeptId); sortList.sort((o1, o2) -> o2.getFraction().compareTo(o1.getFraction())); resultList = this .transIndexFractionToResultVo(sortList); resultList.forEach(data -> { Map<Integer, List<ResultVo>> singleMap = singleDeptSortMap.get (data.getDeptId()); Map<String , List<ResultVo>> groupMap = groupDeptSortMap.get (data.getDeptId()); Integer first = sortRankList.get (0 ); Integer second = sortRankList.get (1 ); data.setFirst((singleMap.containsKey(first) ? singleMap.get (first).size() : 0 ) + (groupMap.containsKey(first.toString()) ? groupMap.get (first.toString()).size() : 0 )); data.setSecond((singleMap.containsKey(second) ? singleMap.get (second).size() : 0 ) + (groupMap.containsKey(second.toString()) ? groupMap.get (second.toString()).size() : 0 )); if (!indexUtils.checkDept(belongDeptId.toString())) { Integer thild = sortRankList.get (2 ); data.setThird((singleMap.containsKey(thild) ? singleMap.get (thild).size() : 0 ) + (groupMap.containsKey(thild.toString()) ? groupMap.get (thild.toString()).size() : 0 )); } }); return resultList.stream() .sorted(Comparator.comparing(ResultVo: :getSortNum)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
service 层:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 /** * 查询所有市院前三位指标个数(单项 + 组合) * * @return com.zw.business.domain.vo.ResponseVo * @Param parentId 部门Id * @Param time 查询年月 */ ResponseVo selectFirstShanxi(BigInteger parentId, String time, String indexLevel); /** * 查询所有市院前三位指标数据(单项 + 组合) * * @return com.zw.business.domain.vo.ResponseVo * @Param belongDeptId 部门Id * @Param time 查询年月 */ ResponseVo selectFirstShanxiDetails(BigInteger parentId, String time, String indexLevel);
Controller 层:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 @RequestMapping ("/selectFirstShanxi" ) public ResponseVo selectFirstShanxi (@RequestParam BigInteger parentId, @RequestParam (required = false, defaultValue = "" ) String time, @RequestParam String indexLevel) { return busIndexLibraryService .selectFirstShanxi (parentId, time, indexLevel); } @RequestMapping ("/selectFirstShanxiDetails" )public ResponseVo selectFirstShanxiDetails (@RequestParam BigInteger parentId, @RequestParam (required = false, defaultValue = "" ) String time, @RequestParam String indexLevel) { return busIndexLibraryService .selectFirstShanxiDetails (parentId, time, indexLevel); }
serviceImpl 层:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 @Override public ResponseVo selectSumSortNumQian(BigInteger parentId, String time, String indexLevel) { String newTime = checkTime(time); indexLevel = indexUtils.resetIndexLevel(parentId.toString(), newTime); List<IndexFraction> resultList; if (checkFiftySixOrFortyEight(indexLevel)) { // 全省前三指标数量(1, 2, 3) 计算组合指标排名 (组合指标 单项指标排名不做计算) resultList = this.getSortNumSumQian(newTime, parentId); } else { // 设置单项排名之和 // 市/区县院指标排名之和排序 String dictType = IndexUtils.getDictType(indexLevel); resultList = busIndexLibraryMapper.selectSortSumFraction(dictType, newTime, parentId, indexLevel, DictDataConstant.VALUE_LEVEL_ONE + "," + DictDataConstant.VALUE_LEVEL_TWO, DictDataConstant.IS_CORE_FALSE, DictDataConstant.IS_SORT_FALSE); resultList.sort(Comparator.comparing(IndexFraction::getFraction)); } return ResponseVo.returnResponse(200, "成功", resultList); } private List<IndexFraction> getSortNumSumQian(String monthId, BigInteger parentId) { List<IndexFraction> resultList = new ArrayList<>(); // 1. 列举所有市院/区县院 List<SysDept> deptTree = deptMapper.getDeptTree(Long.valueOf(parentId.toString())); // 2.获取全省(11地市)/全市(12区县)(1, 2, 3) 指标数据集合 (含未测算、未排名) List<ResultVo> resultVos = indexUtils.selectQianMultipleValues(monthId, parentId.toString()); // 3. 单项指标 不含未测算 未排名 List<ResultVo> logoZeroStream = resultVos.stream() .filter(s -> DictDataConstant.DEFAULT_GROUP_SORT.equals(s.getGroupSort()) && DictDataConstant.IS_CORE_FALSE.equals(s.getIsCore()) && DictDataConstant.IS_SORT_FALSE.equals(s.getIsSort())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); // 单项指标 按照 deptId分组 // key: deptId.toString() value: list Map <BigInteger, List<ResultVo>> logoZeroDeptSortMap = logoZeroStream.stream() .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(ResultVo::getDeptId)); // 4.组合指标集合 List<ResultVo> logoGroupStream = resultVos.stream() .filter(s -> !DictDataConstant.DEFAULT_GROUP_SORT.equals(s.getGroupSort())) .collect(Collectors.toList()) .stream().sorted(Comparator.comparing(ResultVo::getIndexId)).collect(Collectors.toList()); // 组合指标 按照deptId分组 Map <BigInteger, List<ResultVo>> groupDeptMap = logoGroupStream.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(ResultVo::getDeptId)); // 组合指标排名集合 去重 HashMap<BigInteger, List<Integer>> groupSortMap = new HashMap<>(); groupDeptMap.forEach((key, value) -> { // key 为 deptId // 组合指标 按照标识分组 *** 此处未按照indexType分组 Map<String, List<ResultVo>> oneDeptGroupMap = value.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(ResultVo::getIndexLogo)); // deptId key value:list <Integer> List<Integer> sortNumList = new ArrayList<>(); oneDeptGroupMap.forEach((key1, value1) -> { // key: deptId.toString()+indexLogo value: groupSort deptId:11 * groupSort:14 = 154 // groupSortMap.put(data.getKey().toString()+s.getKey(),s.getValue().get(0 ).getGroupSort()); sortNumList.add(Integer.valueOf(value1.get(0 ).getGroupSort())); }) ; groupSortMap .put (key, sortNumList) ; }); // 5.排名之和累加 装填 deptTree .forEach (data -> { int num = 0 ; List<ResultVo> sigList = logoZeroDeptSortMap.get(new BigInteger(data.getDeptId().toString())); for (ResultVo resultVo : sigList) { num = num + (null == resultVo.getSortNum() ? 0 : resultVo.getSortNum()); } if (groupSortMap.containsKey(new BigInteger(data.getDeptId().toString()))) { List<Integer> grouplist = groupSortMap.get(new BigInteger(data.getDeptId().toString())); for (Integer integer : grouplist) { num = num + integer; } } resultList.add(new IndexFraction(num, data.getDeptName(), Integer.valueOf(data.getDeptId().toString()), 0 )); }) ; resultList .sort (Comparator.comparing(IndexFraction::getFraction)) ; // 等值等排名 if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(resultList)) { int sort = 1; for (int j = 0 ; j < resultList.size(); j++) { if (j == 0 ) { resultList .get (j) .setSortNum (sort) ; } else { if (resultList.get(j - 1 ).getFraction().equals(resultList.get(j).getFraction())) { resultList .get (j) .setSortNum (resultList.get(j - 1 ).getSortNum()) ; } else { resultList .get (j) .setSortNum (sort) ; } } sort ++; } } // 返回全省排名前三 return resultList .stream () .limit (3 ) .collect (Collectors.toList()) ; } /** * 查询全省前三指标数据(1 , 2 , 3 ) * * @return ResponseVo * @Param parentId 父部门Id * @Param time 查询年月 */ @Override public ResponseVo selectSumSortNumQianDetails (BigInteger parentId, String time, String indexLevel) { String newTime = checkTime (time) ; indexLevel = indexUtils .resetIndexLevel (parentId.toString(), newTime) ; List <IndexFraction > resultList ; if (checkFiftySixOrFortyEight(indexLevel)) { // 全省前三指标数据(1 , 2 , 3 ) 计算组合指标排名 (组合指标 单项指标排名不做计算) resultList = this .getSortNumSumQian (newTime, parentId) ; } else { // 设置单项排名之和 // 市/区县院指标排名之和排序 String dictType = IndexUtils .getDictType (indexLevel) ; resultList = busIndexLibraryMapper .selectSortSumFraction (dictType, newTime, parentId, indexLevel, DictDataConstant.VALUE_LEVEL_ONE + "," + DictDataConstant.VALUE_LEVEL_TWO, DictDataConstant.IS_CORE_FALSE, DictDataConstant.IS_SORT_FALSE) ; resultList .sort (Comparator.comparing(IndexFraction::getFraction)) ; } return ResponseVo .returnResponse (200 , "成功" , resultList) ; }
service 层:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 /** * 查询全省前三指标数量(1, 2, 3) * 0 * * @return ResponseVo * @Param parentId 父部门Id * @Param time 查询年月 */ ResponseVo selectSumSortNumQian(BigInteger parentId, String time, String indexLevel); /* * * 查询全省前三指标数据(1, 2, 3) * 0 * * @return ResponseVo * @Param parentId 父部门Id * @Param time 查询年月 */ ResponseVo selectSumSortNumQianDetails(BigInteger parentId, String time, String indexLevel);
controller 层:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 public ResponseVo selectSumSortNumQian (@RequestParam BigInteger parentId, @RequestParam (required = false, defaultValue = "" ) String time, @RequestParam String indexLevel) { return busIndexLibraryService .selectSumSortNumQian (parentId, time, indexLevel); }public ResponseVo selectSumSortNumQianDetails (@RequestParam BigInteger parentId, @RequestParam (required = false, defaultValue = "" ) String time, @RequestParam String indexLevel) { return busIndexLibraryService .selectSumSortNumQianDetails (parentId, time, indexLevel); }
大同检察院 后端 模板路径,后续从配置文件读取
前端 同样的,修改请求的后端地址为本地的 8090 端口
若依报错解决_> ruoyi@3.8.6 dev > vue-cli-service serve info sta-CSDN博客
1 $env :NODE_OPTIONS="--openssl-legacy-provider"
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